i just found this kick-ass tool on the net. basically, you can create your own superhero, with all kinds of gimmicks and tools. it's quite easy to get and operate, so i created my new defender of rights immediatly. and dude is serious bizness, suckaz. please welcome with a round of applause:
dude is sickness, i guarantee you.
you see, he IS the fifth beatle, but they assed him out of the contract by killing him with the worst weaponry and torture known to man. i mean, the beatles were like 1870, right? all that shabam was done to him, then known as "patrick". but, you see, kinda like in that "crow" movie, this evil-ass looking husky came his way and saved him from the worlds inbetween, to get his revenge on them fuckers. he kept his ill beatles clothes, but came back to earth with vampire fangs and no eyes and shit. he is PISSED. so now he needs a name right? dr. colossus 6000. bam. on the spot.
so after seeking revenge on his foe john lennon (assasanashaaaaaaaaaan bitches!), poisoning john lennon and suckerpunching kurt cobain he is on his eternal mission to save all of mankind from wackness. with swords. SWORDS. he is well trained in close combat, but prefers to just bite your sorry self to death. or slitting throats. as i said.....PISSED!
his dog's name is "slayer" and communicates to colossus via telepathy. i mean c'mon, he was a beatle, his brain is TOAST. so he also has a dog's senses and thoughts. think instincts. think killer moves. think furious.
make your own character here
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